Orthodontic Options for Adults

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For many patients who have struggled with crooked teeth, bite issues and feeling unsatisfied with their smile, getting braces as an adult is a welcome option. There is a common misconception that your teeth are already set as an adult, but this is incorrect. It is never too late to straighten your teeth, relieve any issues you may be having and feel great about showing your smile to the world!

There are many options for orthodontics in adults but the most common options fall under two categories: braces and aligners. As children, most adults only recall the old-fashioned metal braces with colourful elastics. While those are still in use today, and can often be the quickest and least expensive option, there are also many new options that are less noticeable and more convenient. Your dentist or orthodontist will walk you through the options that will work best in your personal situation, the pros and cons and the costs. Here are the options you are most likely to learn about from your dentist:

1. Conventional Braces - Metal, Clear & Ceramic

Traditional braces, made from high-grade stainless steel, are the most common type of braces. They have progressed to become lighter and more comfortable than ever before. Metal brackets are attached to the teeth using orthodontic cement and are linked together by an archwire. Tiny elastic ties are used to keep the archwire in place and can be silver or colourful.

Ceramic braces function in the same way as traditional metal braces except they are clear, making them less visible. These braces are great for adults or older teenagers who have cosmetic concerns regarding braces. However, they require a higher level of oral hygiene as ceramic braces are larger and more fragile than traditional metal braces. Ceramic braces are primarily used on the visible upper front teeth rather than on lower teeth.

2. Self-Ligating Braces

Self-ligating braces can be metal or clear and typically look similar to traditional braces. These braces use a specialized clip in place of elastics to secure the archwire in place and reduce the friction and force applied onto teeth. With self-ligating braces, tooth movement can be faster and may require fewer adjustment appointments.

At Northmount Dental, we believe in offering the most convenient and effective options, which is why we offer self-ligating braces for our patients.

3. Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth rather than in front, making them invisible to others when you smile. This makes them a great option for patients with cosmetic concerns regarding braces. The entire metal appliance and brackets are customized to match the shape of your teeth exactly. These braces are a great option for adult professionals who would find conventional braces in the way of their job or regular activities.

4. Invisalign

Invisalign consists of clear aligners that are invisible trays resembling mouthguards, acting as braces to straighten your teeth. These aligners are custom-made, comfortable acrylic trays that can be removed at any time, allowing you to eat and drink what you want while working towards a better smile. Being able to remove the aligners makes it easy to brush and floss your teeth. Another benefit to clear aligners is that they will not cause mouth abrasions during treatment since they are not made of metal.

Most people have heard of Invisalign braces by now, as this option has gotten very popular in recent years, particularly with adults. The plastic aligners are clear and discreet, convenient and easy to use and wear.

Invisalign trays are usually switched out every two weeks or so as the teeth shift. They are adjusted according to the progress made and the overall treatment plan. Invisalign is a pretty universal option and can handle even some of the most complicated cases in orthodontics.

Northmount Dental is an Invisalign Preferred Provider so we have the expertise and experience to offer the best Invisalign treatment possible.

If you have needed or wanted to straighten your teeth for quite some time, you should get started as soon as possible. Most orthodontic treatment takes about 18-24 months, so the sooner, the better!

If cost is a concern for you, many insurance companies now cover orthodontic work, even for adults. We also offer payment plans to help you manage the costs.

Visit us at Northmount Dental to find out which orthodontic option is best for you! Book your appointment online now.

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